10 Most Common ALEKS Math Questions

10 Most Common ALEKS Math Questions

Preparing for the ALEKS Math test? Want a preview of the most common mathematics questions on the ALEKS Math test? If so, then you are in the right place.

The mathematics section of ALEKS can be a challenging area for many test-takers, but with enough patience, it can be easy and even enjoyable!

Preparing for the ALEKS Math test can be a nerve-wracking experience. Learning more about what you’re going to see when you take the ALEKS can help to reduce those pre-test jitters. Here’s your chance to review the 10 most common ALEKS Math questions to help you know what to expect and what to practice most. Try these 10 most common ALEKS Math questions to hone your mathematical skills and to see if your math skills are up to date on what’s being asked on the exam or if you still need more practice.

Make sure to follow some of the related links at the bottom of this post to get a better idea of what kind of mathematics questions you need to practice.

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10 Sample ALEKS Math Practice Questions

1- A soccer team played 120 games and won 70 percent of them. How many games did the team win? __________

2- Two third of 18 is equal to \( \frac{2}{5}\)of what number? ___________

3- \( (p^4) . (p^5) = \) __________

4- If \(a = 8\) what’s the value of \( 4a^2 + 3a + 10? \) ___________

5- Sophia purchased a sofa for $530.40. The sofa is regularly priced at $624. What was the percent discount Sophia received on the sofa? ___________

6- The average of five consecutive numbers is 38. What is the smallest number? _________

7- \( 5^{\frac{7}{3}} × 5^{\frac{2}{3} }=? \) _________

8- What is 152.6588 rounded to the nearest hundredth? __________

9- The sum of three numbers is 45. If another number is added to these three numbers, the average of the four numbers is 20.
What is the fourth number? ___________

10- David owed $8240. After making 45 payments of $124 each, how much did he have left to pay?___________

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1- 84
\( 120 × \frac {70}{100} = 84 \)

2- 30
Let \(x\) be the number. Write the equation and solve for \(x\).
\( \frac{2}{3} ×18= \frac{2}{5} . x ⇒ \frac{2×18}{3}= \frac{2x}{5} \) , use cross multiplication to solve for \(x\).
\(5×36=2x×3 ⇒180=6x ⇒ x=30\)

3- \(p^9\)
\((p^4). (p^5) = p ^{4 +5} = p^9\)

4- 290
If \(a = 8\), then: \(4a^2 + 3a + 10 ⇒ 4(8)^2 + 3(8) + 10 ⇒ 4(64) + 24 + 10 = 290\)

5- \(15\%\)
The question is this: 530.40 is what percent of 624?
Use percent formula:
\( part =\frac{ percent}{100} × whole \)
\(530.40 =\frac{ percent}{100} × 624 ⇒ 530.40 = \frac{percent ×624}{100} ⇒53040 = percent ×624 ⇒ \)
\(percent = \frac{53040}{624} = 85\)
530.40 is \(85 \%\) of 624. Therefore, the discount is: \(100\% – 85\% = 15\%\)

6- 36
Let \(x\) be the smallest number. Then, these are the numbers:
\(x, x+1, x+2, x+3, x+4\)
\(average = \frac{sum of terms}{number of terms} ⇒ 38 =\frac{ x+(x+1)+(x+2)+(x+3)+(x+4)}{5}⇒38=\frac{5x+10}{5} ⇒ 190 = 5x+10 ⇒\)
\(180 = 5x ⇒ x=36\)

7- \(5^3\)
\( 5^{\frac{7}{3}} × 5^{\frac{2}{3}} = 5^{\frac{7}{3} + \frac{2}{3}} = 5^{\frac{9}{3}} = 5^3 \)

8- 152.66
Underline the hundredths place: \(152.6\underline{5}88\) Look to the right if it is 5 or bigger, add it by 1. Then, round up to 152.66

9- 35
\(a + b + c = 45\)
\(\frac{a+b+c+d}{4} = 20 ⇒ a+b+c+d = 80\)
\( ⇒ 45 + d = 80 $$d = 80 – 45 = 35\)

10- 2660
Payable amount is:

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More from Effortless Math for ALEKS Test …

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Check out our ALEKS Math Formulas

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Read the following article to get your answer: How hard is the ALEKS Math Test?

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