How to Prepare for the ASVAB Math Test?

The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) was introduced in 1968.
Over 40 million examinees have taken the ASVAB since then.
According to the official ASVAB website, the ASVAB is a multiple-aptitude battery that measures developed abilities and helps predict future academic and occupational success in the military.
It is administered annually to more than one million military applicants, high school, and post-secondary students.
ASVAB scores are reported as percentiles between 1-99.
An ASVAB percentile score indicates the percentage of examinees in a reference group that scored at or below that particular score.
For example, the ASVAB score of 90 indicates that the examinee scored as well as or better than 90% of the nationally-representative sample test takers. An ASVAB score of 60 indicates that the examinee scored as well as or better than 60% of the nationally-representative sample.
There are three types of ASVAB:
- The CAT-ASVAB (computer adaptive test)
- The MET-site ASVAB (paper and pencil (P&P)
- The Student ASVAB (paper and pencil (P&P)
The CAT-ASVAB is a computer adaptive test. It means that if the correct answer is chosen, the next question will be harder. If the answer given is incorrect, the next question will be easier. This also means that once an answer is selected on the CAT it cannot be changed.
The MET-site ASVAB and The Student ASVAB are paper and pencil (P&P) tests.
How to Study for the ASVAB Math Test?
It may be stressful for you to think about the ASVAB test because your future career can depend a lot on this test.
Especially the math part of this test is considered by many test-takers to be challenging. But do not worry. Math is not as difficult as you think. With constant practice and observing the important tips, you can also succeed in this test.
The Absolute Best Book to Ace the ASVAB Math Test
1. Choose your study program
Many prestigious ASVAB Mathematics books and study guides can help you prepare for the test.
All major test preparation companies have some offerings for the ASVAB Math, and the short-listing of the best book ends up being a puzzling phenomenon.
There are also many online ASVAB Math courses.
If you just started preparing for the ASVAB test and you need a perfect ASVAB Math prep book, then ASVAB Math for Beginners: The Ultimate Step by Step Guide to Preparing for the ASVAB Math Test is a perfect and comprehensive prep book for you to master all ASVAB Math topics being tested right from scratch.
It will help you brush up on your math skills, boost your confidence, and do your best to succeed on the ASVAB Math Test.
This one is an alternative book:
If you just need an ASVAB Math workbook to review the math topics on the test and measure your exam readiness, then try: “ASVAB Math Practice Workbook: The Most Comprehensive Review for the Math Section of the ASVAB Test”
This prep book is also a perfect resource to review all Mathematics concepts being tested on the ASVAB:
This is a comprehensive ASVAB Math bundle that includes lessons, exercises, and practice tests:
You can also use our FREE ASVAB Math worksheets: ASVAB Math Worksheets
Have a look at our FREE ASVAB Math Worksheets to assess your knowledge of Mathematics, find your weak areas, and learn from your mistakes.
ASVAB Math FREE Resources:
- The Ultimate ASVAB Math Course
- ASVAB Math Worksheets
- ASVAB Math Formulas
- Full-Length ASVAB Math Practice Test
- FREE ASVAB Math Practice Test
- Top 10 Free Websites for ASVAB Math Preparation
2. Change your negative outlook on math
If you are one of those people who find it difficult to study mathematics and constantly postpone studying it, it is time to put this mindset aside.
A person who succeeds in each test looks at math as a positive challenge.
It does not matter what you think about mathematics today. From now on, have a positive attitude towards mathematics. You will see the result soon.
3. Check the concepts in the test
Do you know what mathematical concepts you are dealing with in this test? Have you studied them carefully?
If you are planning to take the ASVAB test and have not yet checked the concepts in the test, it is best to do so now.
First, look at the basic math concepts in the test: In the ASVAB test, your math skills are tested through the Arithmetic Reasoning and Mathematics Knowledge ASVAB subtests.
Therefore, you must first know the basic concepts of Arithmetic. Once you have studied the basic concepts well, include more advanced concepts in your study plan.
Note that you must have reviewed the basic concepts before studying the more advanced concepts, otherwise, you will not understand the material well.
4. Study math daily
Daily and continuous practice is one of the most important principles in learning math. So make a plan for your daily study and try to stick to it.
At first, this daily program may seem a little difficult. After a while, it becomes an integral part of your daily program.
Remember that daily practice is the key to your success in the ASVAB math test.
The Best ASVAB Math Quick Study Guide
Here are some common questions about the ASVAB test:
What kind of math is on ASVAB?
There are two ASVAB math tests: Arithmetic Reasoning and Math Knowledge.
Can you fail math and still pass the ASVAB?
No, if you fail in any part, you will fail the test.
Is getting a 50 on the ASVAB hard?
No, getting 50 is exactly average. So it should not be so difficult to get at least 50 scores on it.
How hard is it to pass the ASVAB?
To be honest, yes, it is difficult, but if you are qualified for a MOS that takes you places and you are properly prepared, you can pass this test.
What questions do they ask on the ASVAB?
Arithmetic Reasoning (20 questions), Auto and Shop Information (15 questions), Electronics Information (15 questions), General Science (15 questions), Mathematics Knowledge (20 questions), Mechanical Comprehension (15 questions), Paragraph Comprehension (15 questions), Word Knowledge (20 questions)
Can you use the calculator on ASVAB?
No, you are not allowed to use the calculator in this test.
What happens if you get a low score on the ASVAB?
In this case, you may be allowed to join the military, but your score limits your ability to specialize.
How many times can you take the ASVAB?
After you have completed your initial ASVAB, you will have to wait a calendar month to retest. You will have to wait an additional calendar month to retry for a second time. After that, you have to wait six calendar months to retake the ASVAB test.
What is the hardest part of the ASVAB?
The mathematics knowledge test is usually considered the most difficult part because it has more word problems.
What job in the military requires the highest ASVAB score?
The Air Force has the highest military score requirement of any branch of the military.
Looking for the best resources to help you or your student succeed on the ASVAB Math test?
The Best Study Guide to Ace the ASVAB Math Test
More from Effortless Math for ASVAB Test …
Looking for a perfect online course to help you succeed on the ASVAB Math test?
Check out The Ultimate ASVAB Math Course.
Need a complete list of ASVAB Math formulas?
Review our list of all Math formulas you MUST have learned before test day: ASVAB Math Formulas
Do you know what Kind of Math is on the ASVAB Test?
Have a look at our guide: What Kind of Math Is on the ASVAB Test?
The Best Books to Ace the ASVAB Math Test
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Write your questions about the ASVAB or any other topics below and we’ll reply!
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