10 Must-Know Expert Tips for the HiSET Math Test
The High School Equivalency Test (HiSET) is a new way for those who did not complete high school to earn their diploma and be on the right path to attending college or starting their career. Those taking the test may decide to take this exam on a computer, or with paper and pencil. This exam consists of 5 sections: English, Science, Math, Writing, and Social Studies. Each of the sections is multiple-choice with forty to fifty questions. Plus, the Writing portion additionally requires people to take the test to write an essay.
The HiSET test takes several hours, plus it’s not an easy test to pass. It is vital to be completely ready to take it on the day of your test. Effortless Math Team offers numerous free videos and lessons for the HiSET test to help test takers get prepared. Take advantage of them to maximize your score!
Whether you have studied for the HiSET Math test or not, some quick tips can help you do your best on the HiSET Math section.
1. Learn what is on the test.
The HiSET test covers all core subjects you should have had in high school—and is intended to carefully reflect the curriculum students are taught today. Those topics include Reading, Math, Social Studies, Writing, and Science. Here, we will focus on the Mathematics part of the HiSET test.
The Mathematics section of the HiSET test covers 4 distinctive knowledge categories, with each of the test’s questions falling under one of these. These categories consist of:
Concepts make up the biggest quantity of test questions and account for 40 to 45 percent of the whole test. As the name suggests, questions in this category mostly deal with concepts found in a typical Algebra class, including equations, expressions, and graphing, as well as functions and similar components.
Numbers and Operations
This type of question makes up around 20 to 25 percent of the test. Questions in this category require test takers to work various ways with numbers, from rounding them up to converting them to a different format.
Data Analysis, Probability, and Statistics
This is one of the smallest categories and makeup around 10 to 15 percent of the test. This section involves problems that require test takers to interpret mathematical data or work with probability and statistics.
Measurement and Geometry
Also account for about 15 to 20 percent of the questions on the test. Questions in this category are related to assessing shapes, utilizing provided info to produce calculations regarding their size and similar quantities.
The Absolute Best Book to Ace the HiSET Math Test
2. Figure out how well you understand the content.
The more years you’ve been out of school, the more preparation you will undoubtedly need.
Do not go into the test unready for what you’ll face. Before you begin studying, determine:
- The textbook chapters along with the subjects this test covers
- The test’s format
The goal and test layout determine how you tackle learning the material.
3. Plan out study time.
The way you get ready for the HiSET test depends on you — the amount of time you wish to devote as well as the way you wish to study for the test. Before taking the HiSET test, there are a few things you need to know:
- What to anticipate during the whole process, such as the way to create an account, along with scheduling the test and getting your scores.
- Which subjects are covered by the subtests as well as which kinds of questions you will see — essay or multiple-choice, or perhaps both.
- The quantity of time you will need for taking each of the subtests.
- What identification you will have when you get to the testing center.
4. Create your personal study aids
Learn how to take notes when studying for the test. Do not depend on highlighting. Even though it’s a fantastic and efficient study device, it should not be the first choice because it is much too passive. Write your notes and examples, and only use highlighting if you need to connect ideas or to use color-coding or get someone’s attention on a specific part of your notes or textbook. Don’t forget, highlighting is supposed to complement studying, and ought to never replace note-taking.
5. Do not merely glance at the answer and presume you understand how to answer the problem.
This is an example of the worst mistakes you can make when you study. You need to perform the problem, bit-by-bit, and think all through the process as to how to get to the proper solution. Merely flicking to the end of the book and looking at the solution and stating, “Oh yes, I understand how that’s done,” is not sufficient. Saying you can resolve a problem, and resolving it is not the same thing, and whenever studying to take a math test, you must solve the problems and not merely look.
Best HiSET Math Prep Resource for 2022
6. Study every single day
If you’ve got to take your test in a month, studying every day will help you in identifying difficult concepts as well as weak spots in your understanding ahead of time. If you are studying some each day you will be constantly reviewing everything in your brain. That assists you in understanding the math concepts better. It also assists you in avoiding the stress of cramming at the last minute.
Around a month before your test, studying for an hour or so every night may be sufficient to remain ahead. Later on, during the month you may have to do more studying every day. If you’re finding it’s difficult to dedicate enough time to studying, reduce some (although not everything!) of your additional activities.
Prioritizing your study time may require staying online less often as a week as lessening your work shifts, or missing playing sports on the weekend for a few days. Going slowly and steadily helps you win in this race! Whenever you are studying a tiny bit every day, as your mind can absorb the info better along with, you are much more likely to remember information when necessary.
Test takers who study every night get the best understanding of the topic and can relate as well as connect things they learned previously. Numerous studies show that students who are using their notes to study regularly do better than those who don’t.
7. Get rid of distractions when studying for your test
Distractions make it hard to be attentive to whatever you are doing, and that makes it tougher to commit the facts to your memory. Get a leg up via turning off phone notifications, temporarily impeding your preferred websites, or only listening to instrumental songs during your study time (so you won’t be tempted to sing the songs that play). Stopping for a break after forty-five 45 minutes or so also helps you remain focused.
8. Review and revise
Once a week or more you ought to review everything you studied in your classes. Mulling everything over will assist you in understanding the concepts and help you remember when you need them the most.
9. Try to teach others, even if you’re shy
Many studies have shown that when people spend time teaching others, they outperform those who merely re-study. But the key is not so much that you’re teaching someone, because you can easily teach your pet, it’s the act of using active recall. The act of trying to remember information without looking at it is called retrieval practice.
This method is similar to using flashcards, but it isn’t limited to just vocabulary or formulas. You can recite your notes or explain the complete steps for solving an equation or an HiSET Math problem.
Furthermore, this act of retrieving can also be employed in your HiSET Math prep book. First, read a page related to Math concepts and then try to recall what you read. You’ll find that this simple act of “teaching” by active retrieval makes an enormous impact on your long-term achievement. Also, you will find that when you start saying things out loud you are to capture the emotion of the text that you simply can’t achieve when reading or reviewing material silently.
10. Ask for help
If you’re stuck on something, or something just doesn’t seem to make sense, you can always ask for help. Talk to your teacher or HiSET Math tutor about the topics you don’t understand. Talk to your friends and fellow students too. You can also find video tutorials for all HiSET Math concepts and all other resources you need to ace the HiSET Math test on the Effortless Math website.
High School Equivalency Tests
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