How to Perform Vector Addition and Subtraction

Vector addition and subtraction are fundamental operations in vector algebra used to combine or differentiate vectors. Let's break down the concepts.

How to Perform Vector Addition and Subtraction

Step-by-step Guide to Perform Vector Addition and Subtraction

Here is a step-by-step guide to perform vector addition and subtraction:

Prelude: Grasping the Essence of Vectors

  1. Vector Definition: A vector is a mathematical entity with both magnitude and direction. They are often depicted as arrows where the length represents the magnitude and the arrow’s direction denotes its direction.
  2. Vector Components: In a Cartesian coordinate system, a vector in two dimensions can be represented as \(v=(v_x​, v_y​)\), where \(v_x\) and \(v_y\)​ are the \(x\) and \(y\) components respectively.

Chapter I: Vector Addition – The Confluence of Magnitudes and Directions

  1. Component-wise Addition: To add two vectors, combine their individual components.
    • \(v+w=(v_x​ + w_x​, v_y + w_y)\)
  2. Graphical Method:
    • Initiation: Draw the first vector starting from the origin.
    • Continuation: From the head of the first vector, draw the second vector.
    • Conclusion: The resultant vector (sum) starts from the origin and ends at the head of the second vector.
  3. Summarizing the Process: The process is akin to walking a certain distance in one direction (first vector) and then continuing from there in another direction (second vector).

Chapter II: Vector Subtraction – The Divergence of Pathways

  1. Component-wise Subtraction: Subtracting vectors is analogous to addition but involves taking away magnitudes.
    • \(v+w=(v_x​ – w_x​, v_y – w_y)\)
  2. Graphical Method:
    • Initiation: Begin by drawing the first vector, \(v\), starting from the origin.
    • Introduction of the Negative Vector: Visualize or sketch the negative of the second vector, \(−w\). This is a vector of the same magnitude as \(w\) but in the opposite direction.
    • Continuation: From the head of \(v\), draw \(−w\).
    • Conclusion: The resultant vector (difference) begins at the origin and ends at the head of \(−w\).
  3. Summarizing the Process: Imagine retracing a portion of a journey. You take your entire journey (first vector) and then move backward by the path denoted by the second vector.

Postlude: Reflecting on Operations

  • Vectors, with their dual nature of magnitude and direction, offer an elegant way to describe physical quantities. When we combine or separate vectors, we’re essentially juggling these two properties in a dance of mathematical harmony.
  • Practicing these operations on varied vectors will solidify your understanding and enhance your ability to navigate the world of vector operations.


Example 1:

Given vectors \(a=(5,3)\) and \(b=(−2,7)\), find \(a+b\).


\(a+b=(a_x​ + \ b_x​, a_y + \ b_y)=(5+(−2),3+7) =(3,10)\)

So, \(a+b=(3,10)\).

Example 2:

Given vectors \(p=(7,2)\) and \(q=(4,5)\), find \(p−q\).


To subtract vector \(q\) from vector \(p\), we subtract the respective components of the two vectors.\(p−q=(p_x​−\ q_x​, p_y​−\ q_y​)=(7−4,2−5)=(3,−3)\)

Thus, \(p−q=(3,−3)\).

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