7th Grade PARCC Math FREE Sample Practice Questions

7th Grade PARCC Math FREE Sample Practice Questions

One of the ways to succeed in the 7th Grade PARCC Math test is to strengthen the math skills through practice. Success in the 7th Grade PARCC Math test is an acquired skill that depends on both the level of study of the students and the amount of their practice. Therefore, in addition to studying, it is necessary for the 7th Grade student to have enough practice. Using the sample of practice questions can greatly increase the chances of students passing the 7th Grade PARCC Math test. Our 7th Grade PARCC Math free sample practice questions in this article, cover the most important concepts of the test. The exact answers to each question are also given at the end of the article to avoid future mistakes by students.

Start preparing your student for the 2022 PARCC Math test with our free sample practice questions. Also, make sure to follow some of the related links at the bottom of this post to get a better idea of what kind of mathematics questions students need to practice.

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10 Sample 7th Grade PARCC Math Practice Questions

1- A chemical solution contains \(4\%\) alcohol. If there is 24 ml of alcohol, what is the volume of the solution?

A. 240 ml

B. 480 ml

C. 600 ml

D. 1200 ml

2- The price of a laptop is decreased by \(10\%\) to $360. What is its original price?

A. 320

B. 380

C. 400

D. 450

3- What is the median of these numbers? \(4, 9, 13, 8, 15, 18, 5\)

A. 8

B. 9

C. 13

D. 15

4- Three times the price of a laptop is equal to five times the price of a computer. If the price of the laptop is $200 more than a computer, what is the price of the computer?

A. 300

B. 500

C. 800

D. 1500

5- What is the perimeter of a square that has an area of 595.36 feet?

6- Jason is 9 miles ahead of Joe running at 5.5 miles per hour and Joe is running at the speed of 7 miles per hour. How long does it take Joe to catch Jason?

A. 3 hours

B. 4 hours

C. 6 hours

D. 8 hours

7- 55 students took an exam and 11 of them failed. What percent of the students passed the exam?

A. \(20 \%\)

B. \(40 \%\)

C. \(60 \%\)

D. \(80 \%\)

8- Jason needs an \(75\%\) average in his writing class to pass. On his first 4 exams, he earned scores of \(68\%, 72\%, 85\%,\) and \(90\%\). What is the minimum score Jason can earn on his fifth and final test to pass?

9- A bank is offering \(3.5\%\) simple interest on a savings account. If you deposit $12,000, how much interest will you earn in two years?

A. $420

B. $840

C. $4200

D. $8400

10- 5 less than twice a positive integer is 83. What is the integer?

A. 39

B. 41

C. 42

D. 44

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1- C
\(4\%\) of the volume of the solution is alcohol. Let \(x\) be the volume of the solution.
Then: \(4\% \space\) of \(\space x = 24 \space\) ml \(⇒ 0.04 x = 24 ⇒ x = 24 ÷ 0.04 = 600\)

2- C
Let \(x\) be the original price.
If the price of a laptop is decreased by \(10\%\) to $360, then:
\(90 \%\) of \(x=360 ⇒ 0.90x=360 ⇒ x=360÷0.90=400\)

3- B
Write the numbers in order:
\(4, 5, 8, 9, 13, 15, 18\)
Since we have 7 numbers (7 is odd), then the median is the number in the middle, which is 9.

4- A
Let L be the price of laptop and C be the price of computer.
\(3\)(L) \(=5\)(C) \(\space\) and \(\space\) L \(= $200 +\) C
Therefore, \(3($200 +\) C\()=5\)C \(⇒ $600 + 3\)C \(= 5\)C \(⇒\) C\(=$300\)

5- 97.6
Use the area of square formula.
\(S = a^2 ⇒ 595.36 = a^2 ⇒ a = 24.4\)
Use the perimeter of square formula.
\(P = 4a ⇒ P=4(24.4) ⇒ P = 97.6\)

6- C
The distance between Jason and Joe is 9 miles. Jason running at 5.5 miles per hour and Joe is running at the speed of 7 miles per hour. Therefore, every hour the distance is 1.5 miles less.
\(9 ÷ 1.5 = 6\)

7- D
The failing rate is 11 out of \(55 = \frac{11}{55}\).
Change the fraction to percent:
\(\frac{11}{55} ×100\%=20\%\)
20 percent of students failed. Therefore, 80 percent of students passed the exam.

8- 60
Jason needs an \(75\%\) average to pass for five exams. Therefore, the sum of 5 exams must be at lease \(5 × 75 = 375\)
The sum of 4 exams is:
\(68 + 72 + 85 + 90 = 315\)
The minimum score Jason can earn on his fifth and final test to pass is:
\(375 – 315 = 60\)

9- B
Use simple interest formula:
(I = interest, p = principal, r = rate, t = time)

10- D
Let \(x\) be the integer. Then:
\(2x – 5 = 83\)
Add 5 both sides: \(2x = 88\)
Divide both sides by \(2: x = 44\)

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