Using Strip Diagrams to Represent Fractions

Using Strip Diagrams to Represent Fractions

A strip diagram can be divided into several units to represent fractions.

Each fraction has a numerator that is on top and a denominator that is on the bottom.

A strip diagram is a rectangular model that can be used to show fractions.

A strip diagram is also known as a fraction strip, length model, or bar model.

Using Strip Diagrams to Represent Fractions – Examples 1:

Shade 3 parts of the fraction bar and write what fraction it represents.


Step 1: Count the parts of the strip model to know it is divided into 6 identical parts. Each part is \(\frac{1}{6}\) of the whole fraction bar.
Step 2: 3 parts of the fraction are \(\frac{3}{6}\). So, shade 3 parts of the whole.

Using Strip Diagrams to Represent Fractions – Examples 2:

Shade 2 parts of the fraction bar and write what fraction it represents.


Step 1: Count the parts of the strip model to know it is divided into 5 identical parts. Each part is \(\frac{1}{5}\) of the whole fraction bar.
Step 2: 2 parts of the fraction are \(\frac{2}{6}\). So, shade 3 parts of the whole.

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