How to Divide Decimals by Whole Numbers?

Dividing a decimal by a whole number is like dividing by normal. In this step-by-step guide, you will learn how to divide decimal numbers by whole numbers.

How to Divide Decimals by Whole Numbers?

The division of a decimal with a whole number is like the normal division. We put the decimal point in the quotient according to the decimal of the dividend.

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A step-by-step guide to dividing decimals by whole numbers

The decimal division process is similar to the normal division process, but we only have to keep in mind the decimal point which should be correctly placed in the quotient.

The following steps will help us understand the decimal division process.

  1. To divide a decimal number by a whole number, the division is done in the same way as the whole numbers. First, we divide the two numbers regardless of the decimal point.
  2. Then, the decimal point in the quotient is placed in the same position as in the dividend. 

Dividing Decimals by Whole Numbers – Example 1:

Calculate. \(78.92 ÷ 4\)


First, ignore the decimal point and divide normally to get \(0\) as the remainder:

\(7892 ÷ 4=1973\)

Then, put the decimal point in the quotient in the same position as given in the dividend. \(78.92 ÷ 4=19.73\). Thus, we take \(19.73\) as the answer, where the decimal is placed according to the decimal of the dividend.

Exercises for Dividing Decimals by Whole Numbers


  1. \(\color{blue}{0.16024 ÷ 4}\)
  2. \(\color{blue}{15.75 ÷ 25}\)
  3. \(\color{blue}{0.9936 ÷ 23}\)
  4. \(\color{blue}{1.683\div 9}\)
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is answers.png
  1. \(\color{blue}{0.04006}\)
  2. \(\color{blue}{0.63}\)
  3. \(\color{blue}{0.0432}\)
  4. \(\color{blue}{0.187}\)

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