Using Decimals and Fractions to Solve One-Step Addition and Subtraction

In this article, the focus is on teaching you how to Using Decimals and Fractions to Solve One-Step Addition and Subtraction. By Using Decimals and Fractions, you can simply Solve One-Step Addition and Subtraction.

Using Decimals and Fractions to Solve One-Step Addition and Subtraction

A step-by-step guide to using decimals and fractions to solve a one-step equation

Here is a step-by-step guide to using decimals and fractions to solve a one-step equation:

  1. Start by isolating the variable (the unknown value) on one side of the equation. This means moving any constants or numbers to the other side of the equation.
  2. If the equation contains decimals or fractions, you may need to convert all numbers to the same format. For example, if one number is a fraction, convert all numbers to fractions.
  3. Next, use inverse operations to isolate the variable. For example, if the equation has multiplication, use division to isolate the variable. If the equation has addition, use subtraction to isolate the variable.
  4. If the equation contains fractions, use the least common denominator to simplify the fractions before performing any operations.
  5. After isolating the variable, perform any necessary arithmetic operations to find the value of the variable.
  6. Finally, check your answer by substituting it back into the original equation and verifying that the equation is now true.

Remember, it’s important to follow the order of operations (PEMDAS) when solving equations. If you need to simplify expressions before solving the equation, make sure to do so before isolating the variable.

Using Decimals and Fractions to Solve One-Step Addition and Subtraction – Example 1

Solve \(d+4.3=8\)
To undo the operations in the equation, use the inverse operation.

Using Decimals and Fractions to Solve One-Step Addition and Subtraction – Example 2

Solve \(h-3/5=2.7\)
To undo the operations in the equation, use the inverse operation.

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