How To Solve Word Problems for Explaining Fractions as Division

This article provides a step-by-step guide for solving word problems that explain fractions as division.

How To Solve Word Problems for Explaining Fractions as Division

A step-by-step guide to solving word problems for explaining fractions as division

Here’s a step-by-step guide for solving word problems that explain fractions as division:

  1. Read the problem carefully: Start by reading the problem carefully and identifying the key information. Pay attention to any fractions, numbers, and units of measurement.
  2. Identify the operation: Look for words or phrases that indicate division, such as “each,” “per,” or “divided by.” These words suggest that you will need to use division to solve the problem.
  3. Convert fractions to division: Fractions can be rewritten as division problems. To do this, place the numerator (top number) over the denominator (bottom number) and separate them with a division sign. For example, 3/4 can be written as 3 ÷ 4.
  4. Simplify the problem: Once you have converted the fractions to division, you can simplify the problem by dividing the numerator by the denominator. For example, if the problem asks how many quarters are in 2/3 of a dollar, you can divide 2 by 3 to find that there are 0.67 quarters in 2/3 of a dollar.
  5. Check your answer: Make sure to double-check your answer by rereading the problem and verifying that it makes sense. If possible, try to solve the problem using a different method to confirm your answer.
  6. Write the final answer: Write the final answer in a complete sentence that answers the question in the problem. Make sure to include the correct units of measurement.

By following these steps, you can effectively solve word problems that explain fractions as division.

With practice, you can improve your problem-solving skills and become more confident in working with fractions.

Word Problem for Explaining Fractions as Division – Example 1

Emily is making sandwiches for his family. She wants to make 15 sandwiches using 5 peppers. How many peppers will be in each sandwich? Write as a proper fraction or mixed number.
The given information says, to use 5 peppers for 15 sandwiches.
So, \(5÷15=\frac{5}{15}=\frac{1}{3}\)
There will be \(\frac{1}{3}\) of pepper in each sandwich.

Word Problem for Explaining Fractions as Division – Example 2

Zack shares his 16-pack of basketball cards with his three brothers. What fraction of the pack of basketball cards does each brother receive?
The given information says, there are 16 packs of basketball cards for 3 brothers.
So, \(3÷16=\frac{3}{16}=3 \frac{1}{5}\)
Each brother receives 3 1/5 of the basketball cards.

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