Using Number Lines to Compare and Order Rational Numbers

Using Number Lines to Compare and Order Rational Numbers

Number lines are helpful to compare and order negative and positive rational numbers.
Positive rational numbers are on the right-hand side of 0 on the number lines.
Negative rational numbers are on the left-hand side of 0 on the number lines.
Positive numbers are greater than negative numbers.
To compare and order rational numbers, the number lines must be divided into identical gaps to show the relationships between numbers.

Using Number Lines to Compare and Order Rational Numbers – Examples 1

Compare the numbers \(-\frac{2}{10}\), 0.6, and \(-1.7\) and order them from least to greatest on the number line.
Step 1:
Find each number on the number lines.
Step 2: Put them in order from negative numbers to positive numbers to order them from least to greatest.

Using Number Lines to Compare and Order Rational Numbers – Examples 1

Compare the numbers \(1.75, \frac{3}{4}\), and \(-0.25\) and order them from least to greatest on the number line.
Step 1: Find each number on the number lines.
Step 2: Put them in order from negative numbers to positive numbers to order them from least to greatest.

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