PERT Score

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How Is the PERT Test Scored?

How Is the PERT Test Scored?

The Postsecondary Education Readiness Test or PERT is Florida’s custom placement test. The PERT’s purpose is to determine course placement based on the student’s abilities and skills. This test assesses readiness for college-level coursework in mathematics and English. PERT Math Formulas PERT Math Worksheets The Ultimate PERT Math Course The PERT test has 3 subtests: Reading […]

Best PERT Math Prep Books-Which book is the best for you

Best PERT Math Prep Books-Which book is the best for you

Choosing the right PERT test prep book can be tricky with the variety available. However, using prep books is an effective way to pass the exam. Selecting a book that aligns with your current knowledge and needs is important. If you’re unsure which book to choose for the PERT Math test, let us help guide […]