Using Decimals and Fractions to Solve One-Step Equations

In this article, the focus is on teaching you how to use decimals and fractions to solve One-Step multiplication and division.

By understanding how to use decimals and fractions, you can simply solve One-Step multiplication and division.

Using Decimals and Fractions to Solve One-Step Equations

A step-by-step guide to using decimals and fractions to solve One-Step multiplication and division

1-step equations are the ones requiring a single step to solve. It means only one operation is needed to isolate or resolve the variable.

To divide fractions, follow these steps:
Step 1: Find out the reciprocal. It means you must reverse the place of the numerator and the denominator of the fraction.
Step 2: Multiply the 2 numerators.
Step 3: Multiply the 2 denominators.
Step 4: Simplify the fractions if it is possible.
To convert a fraction to a decimal, you must use division: Divide its numerator by its denominator.

Using Decimals and Fractions to Solve One-Step Multiplication and Division – Example 1

Solve \(u×\frac{2}{3}=\frac{6}{9}\)
To get the variable u alone on the side of the equation, inverse the operation.

Using Decimals and Fractions to Solve One-Step Multiplication and Division – Example 2

Solve \(h÷2.5=6\)
To get the variable u alone on the side of the equation, inverse the operation.

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