Area of a Parallelogram

The primary goal of this article is to provide a comprehensive guide that will enable you to understand and apply the definition of the area of a parallelogram.

Area of a Parallelogram

A step-by-step guide to finding the area of a parallelogram

A parallelogram is a quadrilateral that has two pairs of parallel sides.

The formula for understanding the area of a parallelogram is base times height.
It means A\(=\)bh. This formula is the same as the formula for the area of a rectangle.

The opposite sides of the parallelogram are identical in length.

The opposite angles of the parallelogram are identical in measure.

The sum of all the interior angles in a parallelogram is equal to 360 degrees.

Definition of the Area of a Parallelogram – Example 1

What is the area of this parallelogram?

To determine the area of a parallelogram:
Multiply the base by the height. \(12×7=84\)
So, the area of a parallelogram is \(84 ft^2\).

Definition of the Area of a Parallelogram – Example 2

What is the area of this parallelogram?

To determine the area of a parallelogram:
Multiply the base by the height. \(9×4=36\)
So, the area of a parallelogram is \(36 cm^2\).

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