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How to Mastering the Art of Function Transformations

How to Mastering the Art of Function Transformations

Transformations of functions are techniques used in mathematics to modify the graph of a function in various ways while preserving the overall shape and characteristics of the function. These transformations include shifting, stretching, compressing, and reflecting the graph of a function. Let’s go through a step-by-step guide on how to apply these transformations, using the […]

What is the Relationship between Dilations and Angles in Geometry

What is the Relationship between Dilations and Angles in Geometry

While dilation changes the size of a figure, it does so proportionally, ensuring the figure’s shape remains unchanged. An intriguing consequence of this proportionality is that angles within the figure remain consistent post-dilation. Essentially, regardless of how much we stretch or compress a figure through dilation, its angles remain steadfast and unchanged. This characteristic has […]

How to Understand Dilations: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Understand Dilations: A Step-by-Step Guide

Mastering Translations on the Coordinate Plane: A Step-by-Step

Mastering Translations on the Coordinate Plane: A Step-by-Step

How to Understand Congruence through Rigid Motion Transformations

How to Understand Congruence through Rigid Motion Transformations

How to Transform Linear Functions

How to Transform Linear Functions

How to Transform Quadratic Equations?

How to Transform Quadratic Equations?