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Why Do Most Students Struggle with Math?

Why Do Most Students Struggle with Math?

Most students find themselves at a disadvantage when learning mathematics. Many students have a common notion that math is a difficult subject. This can cause frustration among scholars and make them feel overwhelmed and incapable of handling the subject. Some scholars flourish with topics such as geometry, statistics, and calculus, while others develop anxiety when […]

How to Distance Teach Math with a Drawing Pad?

How to Distance Teach Math with a Drawing Pad?

A drawing pad is a good tool for teaching math online or at a distance, as well as useful in art programs and graphic design. The tablet allows you to draw using a pen and have it appear on your computer or phone screen, and when screen sharing it allows the other person, either teacher […]

5 Signs to Understand You’re Good at Math

5 Signs to Understand You’re Good at Math

Driving Electric Is Cheaper: Let’s Do the Math

Driving Electric Is Cheaper: Let’s Do the Math

How Students Can Understand Math for Free

How Students Can Understand Math for Free